Monday 22 October 2012


With the wind runs a sorrowful wanderer
With the wanderer walks a westerly breeze
With this breeze comes cold songs in our skies
And the towering windmills must hear the wind's whistling cries
This painting can change in the flash of a teardrop
This painting can be what the wind wills it to be
This painting may lose all it's form and it's shape
Yet it's the windmills who'll notice the drape of its cape
These orbs in our sky will fall down and rise up
But the winds of the seas don't drink the same cup
They sing their sweet song whilst the moon shines its light
And they wistfully wander when the sun shows its might
Their songs are as sweet as the warm glows of June
And their form is as soft as a old womans tune
Their wishes may be the most honest of all
But the windmills must hear the winds wandering call
To know of the twists of a wandering wind
Is to know the true essence of the one we call Him
And to feel his breath upon your sweet face 
Is to uncover the truth about our time and our space
The winds of change will die down almost soon
And the silence of the night will rule with the moon
Yet the shifts of the breeze will linger in sight
Until the dawn of the day shines golden and bright
These words are just a cover of a heartbeat for you
This song is a dream of a love broke in two
But a love that is lost is a love at least had
And to have loved one like you makes my heart more than sad

Train from Edinburgh to Manchester
Sunday 4 Decemer 2011

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